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Almost everyone knows ground cloves for baking, but whole cloves are culinary gems too! Picture a festive ham, clove-studded and oven-baked - a winter favorite.


Get crafty with holiday decorations by jazzing up oranges with cloves. Or, set the scene with a welcoming whiff of simmering potpourri, a magical mix of cinnamon sticks, orange zest, and whole cloves. Your home will be the coziest spot in town!


Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.


A few ideas:

cosmeticInfuse in oil for use as a massage oil or to make salves, ointments and other topical formulations.
culinaryUse whole in baked or stewed fruits and crushed in baked goods.
householdTincture in alcohol or witch hazel for use as a general disinfectant.
aromaticUse in simmering potpourri and in floral crafts.
industrialThe spice is used in the food industry to flavor a variety of foods and beverages.



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